Just 5 clicks to your first analysis

Getting started with XOVI is simple—it all begins with your first project. Set up your project to unlock powerful tools to optimize your site and analyze your competitors.

Ready to dive in? Let us guide you step by step.

Start and project set up

Go to Project Administration and set up new project.

Choose a domain

The button takes you directly to the “Projects” menu. Click on “Set Up Project”. In the first step, enter your domain – in our example: www.blume2000.de.

Set up your project now

Name your project

XOVI automatically generates project names that you can change. To later keep an overview of several projects, you can add descriptions and labels.

Choose the search terms that XOVI is to monitor

As in the previous step, XOVI handles the heavy lifting: Simply select keywords from the list or add your own. Next, choose the search engines and monitoring interval you want XOVI to track.

Select your competitors

XOVI suggests a list of competitors to your stated domain. By clicking on “+”, you will add the competitor to the project. You may also add your competitors manually.

Save your project

Before you save your project, you can decide if XOVI should start tracking a website immediately. Additionally choose if XOVI should inform you of important changes.


Your first project in XOVI

You can start immediately with your newly set-up project: Optimise your website, analyse your competitors and impress with professional PDF reports. We will show you in detail how that is done in the coming days taking our “flower project” as an example. 

 Already convinced about our XOVI all-in-one suite? Then order XOVI now and always be a step ahead of your competitors!

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