Eight Reasons why your clients will love XOVI

I like to think of XOVI as the Swiss Army Knife of online marketing. Let me introduce you to 8 of my favourite features that you and your clients will absolutely love.

Feature 1: Unique visibility value

For many of our clients, making sense of their website’s visibility is a bit like reading tea leaves – it’s a useful general indicator, but is by no means the one and only citerium by which to measure your SEO. Most SEO tools re-calculate visibility on a weekly basis, drawing largely upon a pool of frequently used search queries in a particular country and a number of popular current keywords.

But here’s the problem: if one of my clients suddenly ranks highly for a generic search term such as “table” or “price” (terms with high search volume), their visibilty also increases, even though these search terms actually have nothing to do with their particular business.

Therefore, we use XOVI to provide our clients with additional keywords uniquely relevant to them in order to provide an individual visibility value based on their most important keywords. This allows for a truer representation of any changes and a more objective comparison with competitors. The focus on select keywords is particularly useful for niche clients and products since they are often not in the keyword pools of regular Visibility Analysis Tools.

Feature 2: Labels

This brings me on to my next favourite feature – labels.

Similar to the tags used in WordPress, keywords can be tagged with one or more labels, allowing them to be easily categorized. I can then choose to display the individual visibility value for individual labels or view these in direct comparison with the competition. Where does my client need to catch up? Where are they ahead of the field? Which keyword sets need to be optimized next?

Feature 3: Monitoring

The Monitoring Tool is the tool I use most in XOVI. Why? Because I can select as many competitors as I want and compare their domains to that of my client. Particularly practical for agencies, there is no limit to the number of projects you can set up in XOVI, only the number of keywords you can crawl per week. In addition to my client’s and the competition’s current position and their ranking URLs, I can see the usual keyword KPIs and also numerous filter functions.

The Ranking Development sub-section provides a temporal aspect and allows me to see the chronological trend of specific keywords. This enables me to see whether Google is just running tests or whether my client or the competition is actually making progress.

Feautre 4: Optimization start

The Monitoring Tool features an “Optimization Start” column in which I can see at any time when I began, or will begin, the optimization process and can compare the position of keywords at a given time with their position at the selected date. When everything ends up green and the figures are as high as possible then my client knows that I’ve done a good job.

The tracking feature is particularly helpful here, since I longer need to enter the positional values in Excel and compare them all at the end but rather I can see everything directly in the tool. A really practical mini-feature!

Feature 5: Ranking Comparison

Another of my favourite features is the Ranking Comparison. Here, keywords common to both my client and the competition are compared and contrasted. These keywords can then be easily investigated and if necessary added to the Monitoring Tool (see feature 3).

However, I like to use this function a bit differently! I like to consider those keywords with which a competitor ranks highly but with which my client doesn’t rank at all. This allows us to eat into a competitor’s monopoly on important keywords which are relevant to us too. The keyword KPIs help me to choose the right keywords. The Ranking Comparison is therefore an excellent way to identify competitors’ top keywords with which my client doesn’t yet rank.

Feature 6: Ranking Value

The Ranking Value allows me to measure my client’s SEO success in monetary terms. Online shops could of course work out SEO-based profit using web analytics, but it’s great to be able to use XOVI’s ranking value to show my clients how much their SEO-generated traffic would be worth in AdWords costs! By showing the value of search terms in the top ten search results (position x search volume x CPC x traffic factor), the Ranking Value feature is a perfect metric for all you managers out there.

Feature 7: Reporting

Another feature which I intend to make greater use of in the coming months is XOVI’s Reporting Tool. In XOVI, the layout and appearance of reports can be tailored to each individual company, matching corporate identites. This allows me to produce unique reports specfically tailored to the needs of my client whilst saving me a lot of work. It’s also nice to have a white label option so that the client doesn’t have to find out that the data and information come from XOVI. In our agency, we’re completely transparent and openly let our clients know that we carry out their monitoring and reporting with XOVI, but for other agencies, particularly for the acquisition of customers, white labeling is a useful solution.

Feature 8: Support

Swiss Army Knives always contain one or two tools or blades which I’m sure must serve some sort of purpose but which I just can’t figure out. If only I could work out what they are for. The XOVI Suite is a little bit like this! It contains so many features that it can be difficult to know where to begin or how to use everything.

Luckily, XOVI offers comprehensive support and advice. Training sessions both in-house and online help you get to grips with all aspects of the tool, enabling you to get the most out of your online marketing Swiss Army Knife. So be curious, and sign up for a training session from time to time. You won’t be disappointed!

Other language(s): Deutsche Version