XOVI Features

These are a few of my favourite things

I’ve been with XOVI for over a year now and, like the rest of my colleagues, I have my own favourite features in the XOVI Suite. In this blog, I’m going to run through a few of them and, who know, they might become your new favourite features too.

Disavow analysis

The XOVI disavow analysis is top of my list since it can be used in two distinctly useful ways. Firstly, it allows you to identify bad backlinks to your domain which you can then upload directly to Google Search Console via a handy disavow file generated by XOVI. This enables you to be proactive when it comes to declaring any invalid or harmful links.

Secondly, you can use the disavow analysis to identify your competitors’ best links – a simple and time-saving method for identifying new backlink ideas for your own domain without conducting costly link research. How you convince domain operators to link to your domain is down you and your imagination – so it’s over to you!

The analysis itself can be set up in no time at all by following the steps in the tool. For most users, this is simply a case of clicking on next, next and next and then awaiting the result. Once the analysis is complete, XOVI displays all link information with the colours red, yellow and green indicating the link quality. Filter using the “risk” column to view your best and worst links.

Features XOVI disavow tool

Ranking comparison in Keyword Monitoring

Introduced directly in response to customer feedback, the ranking comparison in the monitoring tool is a brand new feature in the XOVI Suite.
This feature enables you to compare the rankings of your monitored keywords for your project URL with those of a competitor at a single glance.
Simply choose your desired project, search engine and device and enter the competitor URL. You can also choose whether to view rankings for a keyword for all domains, just one domain or all data.


XOVI Features: Ranking Comparison

  • Result for “At least one domain must rank”
  • Result for “All domains must rank”
  • Result for “Display all”

XOVI Features, Ranking comparison settings

This feature is absolutely ideal when it comes to showing your clients quickly and clearly how they rank for important keywords in comparison to their competitors. The search volume is also displayed – it’s generally better to rank higher than the competition for the most popular keywords which boast the highest search volume.

Of course there are always exceptions. It could be that you rank better with a less popular keyword but this still brings more success since your service or product is simply stronger or better value.

Which brings me to my next favourite feature …

Domain comparison in the Keyword Tool

Whilst similar to the domain comparison in the monitoring tool, the keyword domain comparison is based on the keyword data in XOVI’s overall database rather than simply an individually determined keyword set.

I use this feature to identify niche keywords. Let me explain using our favourite greeting cards examples Moonpig and Funky Pigeon.

You want to analyse shared keywords common to both domains. You then sort the Moonpig results in descending order in order to view Funky Pigeon’s worst rankings first.

XOVI features domain comparison

The idea is to identify keywords relevant to your business and which your competitor has not yet cornered, or at least where they don’t rank highly. You don’t need to compete for the most in-demand keywords – it’s often a better idea to identify new keywords with which it is easier to get good page one rankings rather than trying to steal traffic directly from keywords with which your competitor already ranks highly.

With large data sets, I recommend exporting analysis results to Excel for further, more detailed processing. You can also view a keyword’s CPC.

That was the first little overview of my favourite XOVI features. Keep your eyes peeled for part II!