Web Push Notifications

Web Push Notifications – How to boost your content’s presence

Imagine blogging every day but nobody reads your posts. Many content marketing strategies are based on the principle that, if shared and spread widely enough, content will inevitably reach its intended target audience.

Unfortunately, however, this tsunami of content has led to a veritable overflow of information which all too often misses its target. That’s why it’s so important to constantly look for different angles which could serve to boost reach among interested groups.

For a while now, Web Push Notifications offer the opportunity to address interested users more directly.

The technique is already well known from mobile marketing. Numerous apps exist which let users know about latest news, weather updates and other useful information. And now it’s possible to use push notifications on the web, too.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international community working to develop web standards, has defined Push Notifications which are already applicable in the newest versions of Safari and Firefox in the form of pop-ups. This technology is able to circumvent spam filters and ad blockers since the notifications are generated by the websites which have already been opened in the browser. Furthermore, web push notifications are exclusively opt-in solutions, meaning that users must have explicitly authorized push notifications in order to see them.
The advantage:

Users who have opted in have already stated a clear interest in learning more about your brand.

And so the chances of users returning to your website increase accordingly in future.

How to apply Web Push Notifications

Tools such as pushcrew enable you to send individual messages to your subscriber lists or can be easily integrated into an RSS-Feed.

This is particularly useful for websites with active bloggers who can then actively reach out to fans immediately after publication. The latest blog updates are shown directly in readers’ browsers, enabling them to head straight to the blog with a single click. And with an average CTR of 2-3%, website traffic can be constantly regenerated. A single message usually contains an image, a 50-character title, a short 200-character teaser and a link to the full blog.

An interesting notification layout and engaging teaser help increase click rate and generate more traffic.

Advantages of Web Push Notifications

In contrast to push notifications for apps, web push notifications don’t require additional applications such as an e-mail client. The subscriber doesn’t even have to be on the website to receive the push notification. They simply have to have their browser open.

Since web push notifications are still a relatively new marketing tool, there is a window for immediate success in the next few months. US studies show that around 60% of consumers view push notifications positively because they have explicitly activated them themselves. Web push notifications have the following additional advantages:

  • Increased content reach
  • Opt-in guarantees interested subscribers
  • Specifically direct attention to latest developments
  • Circumvention of ad-blockers

All bloggers should consider integrating a web push notification tool on their blog.

Most tools provide reliable data on CTRs so it’s easy to keep track of the effectiveness of content and optimize the use of web push notifications. Numbers of registrations and click rates give you an indication of how intensively you can afford to use web push notifications and how often your users want you to send them new information and advertising.